In Acts 1 Jesus tells His disciples they will be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. In our church these places represent three distinct points for focus for our Reach Beyond – local, national and international.
Our local focus includes our Worship Services, Connect Groups and various events, CAP Money, supporting School Chaplaincy, C3 Cares, Crisis Care, and Hahndorf Christkindlmarkt.
Our biggest priority at a national level is the support of other C3 Churches and Pastors through oversight and other informal points of connection. We are motivated to see strong local C3 churches in communities across our national and have found God always opens doors for us to help other churches in specific ways.
We have established fruitful connections overseas in two main areas; Fiji and central/eastern Europe.Working with a couple of C3 Churches in Fiji we have been able to send ‘build teams’ to construct very basic houses to gift to those in need.We fund the materials used and volunteer all the hours to complete these projects in under 1 week. Our involvement in Europe has mainly been delivered by our Senior Pastors in the way of leadership development and mentoring, preaching, teaching and encouraging the pastors and their teams in Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Germany.